Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree

Tonight we put up the Christmas Tree. Isaac and Addie loved putting up the ornaments. The only hang-up they had was they put all the ornaments on just a couple of branches. I asked Kristi if we would correct this, but she thought it best that we leave it be.

Friday, November 28, 2008

The ravages of Tetherball

Now many people know that Kristi and I's marriage is based on spite. Well these photos should prove this. We played until the ball smacked Kristi in the face and I felt really bad. Me being the good husband I am, I called it a draw.

Are you ready for 02/17/2009?

I hope you and your Grandma are ready for the digital switch?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hello Again

It has been too long since I have updated my blog. I will update the blog this week with some news and photos. A lot has changed since my last post.

Ta for now!