Thursday, May 31, 2007

Missing the BBQ gene

I was born without the BBQ gene. I thought it was ingrained in every male genetic map. I can over cook the simplest of meats on the grill. The night before last Kristi asked that I grill some hamburgers. Pretty Simple huh? Well my is family is grateful for ketchup, because they were eating burgers that were hard as nails and they needed something to help ease the chard meat down their throats. I wonder if there is a support group that I can join that has other men who suffer from the same condition as me.


Anonymous said...

You know the gene is branded in your head you just need to learn that when BBQing. it is the only thing you can be doing....

You will get it Super Dad!!!

Aimee said...

My husband doesn't have the gene either. You're not alone!