Monday, July 23, 2007

Dr. Bob Dolittle

For the past couple of months I have had to take a hard look at what I want to accomplish in life. I like my new job, but it will not be the job that I retire from. I have had go in the political realm, and I am not willing to sacrifice my standards on sacrificial idealigoies. These have been weighing hard on my mind, and I felt is was time to pursue a profession that I wanted to be when I was a child. I am returning to school to become a Veterinarian. I do have my Bachelors degree, but the prerequisites for the DMV require a lot more science and math than my Political Science degree required. So, starting in late August, I am a student again. Kristi has been very optimistic and supportive about this discussion. In all I should have my DVM in about six years. I hope to attend Colorado State University's Vet program. It should be a fun ride! Wish me luck.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Cub Scout Egg Launch

Last Thursday was my finale Cub Scout activity. All the boys made rockets out of 2 liter bottles that would hold a uncooked egg. Their egg would be launched about 200-300 feet and then free fall back down. The rockets would then be opened to see if the egg survived or not. They were given one of two activity patches if their egg survived or not. We had a couple of the boys who's eggs did survive. It was a lot of fun to watch. Below are pictures from the activity.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

our house update

We've been in our house for about 1 1/2 years now. When we bought it, the inside had been updated nicely, but the yard needed a lot of work. We still have a lot left to do, but we thought we'd post some before and after pictures to show you our progress so far.

Ben & Lonni's Wedding

Here are some pictures from my youngest brothers wedding that was last week. Enjoy!

Deep Thinker

Isaac and I were running errands the other day, and one of our stops was Smith's Market. Isaac always asks to get a cookie while we are there. On the way to the store I told Isaac that because it was so late in the day (9PM) that the store bakery might not be open. To retort this he told me, "I trust you that the store will have cookies." Sure enough, there was one more cookie to give away. I think I need to start to have faith like a child and I too might get the blessings I need.

Monday, July 9, 2007


I remember when camping was easy enough that all I had to do was load a tent, sleeping bag and something to burn, into the car. Now it takes a lot more. With kids it involves nothing short of a U-haul, a tent that sleeps 10, and enough food to satisfy the pickiest of eaters. We spent the weekend before last in Manti for Lonni's endowment at the Manti temple. We thought the kids would love it. We had fun until it was bed time. It was midnight before they fell asleep and they were both up at 6 AM the next morning (after a night of being kicked in my sleep by one or both of them). It also takes a lot to distract the kids from wandering into others camping areas. All I can say is that our first family camping trip was . . . memorable.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Goat Trauma Awareness Month

Last month was Childhood Goat Trauma Awareness Month. I must tell everyone that I too was traumatized by a goat when I was young and this organization has helped me to set a path to the road of recovery. If you too have been traumatized by goats in your life, either while you were young or more recently. They can help, and you too will find the healing you need.

Monday, July 2, 2007

A Short Farewell to Scouting

I must say a short farewell to the Scouting program. I was released from my Blazer Scout and soon to be released from the Cub Committee. I was called to be the new Young Men's President in our ward. I know that I will still have some scouting responsibility's, but it will not be a full time job as it was before. I really liked the scouting program and I hope that one day I will be part of it again.

I, however will try to get the Teachers & Priests involved in the Venturing program that the BSA offers for older scouters.

As a final installment, I have added one more Scout video that makes me proud to be a Scouter.