Tuesday, June 12, 2007

One too many trips to IKEA

Having IKEA next to my work is a bad thing. It is too easy to find an excuse to go to IKEA. Their $0.99 breakfast does not help either. I have made a top ten list of signs that you may visit IKEA way too often.

10. You are able understand Swedish.
9. Fish paste and meatballs are a staple food for you.
8. People shout your name when you enter the doors. (Bob!!!)
7. All items in your house were designed by Svöen Okçiur.
6. You know to bring your own bags so that you don't have to pay extra for new bags.
5. The in store displays are modelled after your home.
4. You consider your self a handyman because all IKEA items are do-it-yourself projects.
3. You now drive a Saab.
2. You have said more than once in a passing conversation that, IKEA has changed your life.
1. You have more Alan wrenches in your tool box than screwdrivers.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

i know this guy that will assemble your parts for you. if you need his number let me know!