Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Who do your kids look up to?

Every day I worry about who my son hangs out with. More and more he no longer wants to hang out with his dad, but rather go and play with his friends. I was the same way, but my parents could rest assured, because I had good friends. Well, I know that my son is still young, but I still worry about what he will be like as a teenager.
A lot of my fears were eased yesterday as I saw my son interact with my Blazer Scouts. They were so kind to him and took him under their wings. They even got him to eat hash browns (something Kristi and I could never get him to do). They showed him how to salute the flag and put his hand on his heart when he is not in uniform. I never once had to worry that they would be discussing inappropriate information in front of Isaac. I knew that when they were playing by the river, they all had their eyes on Isaac, so that he would not fall in. These are the types of friends I want my son to have when he is their ages. My scouts are good young men, and will make wonderful missionaries and future leaders in the church. I am a blessed man to be a leader of this group of scouts.

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